Sunday, February 26, 2012

Personal Piece #21

Tonight, we have . . . *raises curtain*

HAHAHA! My Joker print from high school! This was my second of two prints, and I knew that my printing abilities sucked, especially with the horrible equipment we had to deal with. SO, I intentionally wanted to print an image that would look good messy, and it became the Joker print! I must say, it looks awesome horribly printed. Artistic choices, eh? :D My art teacher actually put this in the end of the year student art show without my knowledge, where it got an honorable mention. LOL 

Prep work here, people!

Okay, so this weekend was crack down time for fixing previous projects to be approved before midterm at the end of this week! I'm satisfied with my progress, but there is still a lot of work ahead. I'm not going to write an enormous blog entry describing everything, seeing as it has all appeared here at some point. XD But I hope you enjoy what I have to add to the documentation of my artistic life!

Jazz Poster 

Yellowstone summer exploration poster

Typeface poster

Time's stress article 

MU Vet brochure (inside) 

MU Vet brochure (outside) 

Red Barn art fair promotion poster

Intaglio print, The Thief Lord, aquatinted 

Intaglio print, The Thief Lord, pre-aquatint XD 
Cheers! <3

Friday, February 24, 2012

Beneath a Moonless Sky

"I'm in love with you, Erik . . ."

"I know. Leave him, Christine! You marry on the morrow! It is not too late! Leave him now, forever . . ."

"You know I can't do that, Erik."

"Why not? If it is obvious where your affections lie, why then must you squander them? Look not with your eyes, Christine, but with your heart! I may be a deformed wretch, a hideous beast of a being--no match for the beauty of the Vicomte's face--but I swear to you, I will love you to a depth no simple minded fool such as your fiancé could ever fathom."

"I am not blinded by appearances. You speak of hearts, and yet yours is black, inexplicably cruel and void!"

"Void? What of?"

"Compassion, mercy, kindess, morality . . . You are a demon, Erik! A murderer!"

"All for you! You say my heart is void, and yes, it is so. Void of all, save for the passion which stirs within me at the very thought of you!  . . . The mere whisper of your name . . . Christine, you are my very existence. You are the sonorous voice I need to complete my music. Love me, Christine, as I love you!"

No, this has nothing to do with class or college. I have rekindled my obsession for the Phantom of Opera, and this was a burst of artistic inspiration, which doesn't happen very often any more. ;) I am in love with the music to Love Never Dies, the sequel composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber. In the song Beneath a Moonless Sky, Christine and Phantom confess and remember the night before Christine's marriage to Raoul that she returns to the Phantom's lair, where they kiss, caress, and finally state their mutual love for one another. I wanted to illustrate that moment. The dialogue was written by me to accompany it just a few minutes ago. Inspiration? Yes. :)


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Personal Piece #20

Whoa dere! We've hit twenty, ladies and gentlemen! :D

Pierre Gringoire! How I love you. This is one my polished character designs for Bruno Pelletier's interpretation of Pierre for the movie that WILL come into existence if I ever work for Disney: The Hunchback of Notre Dame 1 1/2, which will include Pierre and incorporate him into the original Disney masterpiece's plot. :D 

11:11! Make a wish!

Hellooooo night owl blog followers!

Before I saw anything else, a very Happy Mardi Gras to all! Last chance to live it up, people! Let's use it to its fullest! Had my official last soda before Lent. I was giving it up anyway, but I was giving myself a weekly treat, like on Friday night, to congratulate myself and not quite cold turkey. But now, I'm cracking down! It is going to be good for my health and waistline! :D

So . . . art work? *strokes chin* Perhaps, perhaps. I can't believe Midterm is quickly approaching! :/ Usually, that's a good thing, filling me with delight, setting me on the edge of my seat waiting for it to arrive. Not the case this time. SO much work to dooooooo. I mean, this semester has been my best yet in college. I genuinely love my classes, professors, etc. I even enjoy the homework, to be perfectly honest. But lately, and I blame early spring fever for this, I'm slowly realizing so much work is sneaking up on me. Break arriving means deadlines. Lots of them. But hey, I can handle this. I've handled disasters and catastrophes before and they have worked out. Always. :)

SO, art! Yes, that is where I was beginning. Not much that I can really blog right now. Lots of work IN the works, but not really done/fixed. But I have some Smoky posters. Take the most beloved, effective slogan ever and make it your own. Ha. Ha. Ha. So much work to be done on this. I love it, if I could just make it work! I didn't realize we could do our own slogan in addition to Smoky's, so you know, ignore the blatant lack of concept. This shall be rightened. XD

I have some finished Intaglio prints to show you too, but photos of them are not available, seeing as they are in the print lab (turned in) and I cannot take photos of them yet. They should be loaded here in a day or two, though. I love Intaglio. I just wish I was better at printmaking. I can render the image, I can prepare the block/plate, but I just can't print worth  a damn. You would think running a piece of paper and an inked block/plate through a press would be no big deal, but despite my best efforts, I make a mess. Nothing is pristine and perfect because it is somehow out of my control, which is annoying because I LIKE things to be within my control. I'm A.R. like that, I suppose. lol But yes, to come, originals and alterations of Scipio, the Thief Lord, Intaglio print. :) Stayed tuned!

Now, I feel I should add other things to this blog apart from school work. It only seems right to blog something personal about myself. That personal something used to be drawing, but not so much now, seeing as I do it quite a bit in my assignments. Now, it's knitting. That is my personal creative out lit. It feels amazing wearing what you create! To know that you can make better scarfs and hats than the ones you see at the store! It's just incredible, an enormous high! I recently ordered a deluxe set of circular knitting needles (which should take care of my current knitting needs for life) but I'm having a tiff with the mail right now. I want them so badly  . . . I must go to the post office and righten this horrible wrong. ;)

On that tangent, I have some images of my mother's scarf she asked me to make and the project I have in store, thanks to my beloved Kat (and Emma, my other favorite Black Sheep). Not that I'll really have time to work on it, but just knowing that without the needles, I *can't* is just maddening.

Also, Pinterest is awesome. I don't advocate giving in to peer pressure, but it is the coolest thing. :D

Goodnight, all! Sweet dreams be yours, dear, if dreams there be! <3


Smoky Poster 1/3. Do you love my Star Trek flame? XD 

Smoky Poster 2/3. Gotta find a way to better incorporate those animals with the flame. 

Smoky Poster 3/3. Need more logos and a concept catch phrase. Yeeeah! 

My mother's scarf I promised her long ago that is finished at long last! The button is hard to see; it glinted in the camera flash. It's actually a cluster of faux diamonds in a flower-esque arrangement. Elegant . . . :D 

Me, modeling the scarf. Taking a picture, lookin' in the mirror. 

OH! Forgot to mention this! LOOK! It's my jazz poster! Legitimately, yo! EEE! 

The Turn-A-Square pattern Kat suggested for me from ravelry! Can't wait! Also, Emma made me that knitting pattern folder for Christmas! I carry it everywhere with my yarn. 

The yarn that will be said hat. Kat helped me align the rainbow yarn that I bought in downtown St. Charles at Knit and Caboodle so that I can knit two identical strands into the brim of that hat. She is my official pattern alternator person. XD Also, that sexy skein is a gift from Emma, the remains of her first cardigan! It is gorgeous, and the two yarns really compliment each other, better in person than on the photograph. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Personal Piece #19

And tonight, we haaaaaave:

FRANCESCO! Ahem, everyone, this is the incredible tenor Francesco Verrechia. Pavarotti and Bocelli are put to shame by this gentleman. Go fan him on Facebook. Do it. Do it NOOOOW. :D 

Good evening . . . or in parts of the world, Good morning!

Hello everybody!

For those of you who are my avid readers, you may have noticed that I have not blogged for quite awhile. Kudos to you, shame on me. But there has been quite a lot of work going on here, just not on the Internet for all to see yet. Let me see what we have here . . .

A few more projects for Vis Com II: a promotional poster for the Red Barn Art festival, promotional posters for Native American Heritage Month (which, you may recall, is a repeat even from Illustration last semester *grumble*), an article about stress as the new success for Time magazine, and a vet brochure for MU. In addition, I am reloading the Jazz Combo series poster because, ladies and gentlemen, thanks to my outstanding sources, you will be seeing this bad boy (or gal) up and around campus billboards in the next week or so! My first gig, everyone! Not at ALL excited, nooooo . . . :D

Furthermore, I have included pictures from printmaking. Compy is my first two color woodcut. He didn't turn out as well as I had hoped. I really have issues with inking and consistency. BUT, hey, the visual pun has been brought to life! By the way, the pun itself is the dinosaur is a Compsognathus, aka Compy, and he  is serving as a jazz piano accompanist, aka Compy. Hahahahahahahaha . . . no? Okay. XD The other print is my first Intaglio, which reminds me vividly of illustration on young adult fantasy novels. I decided to engrave the Thief Lord, Scipio, in his beloved Venice. I love Cornelia Funke, and her books, so I almost wanted to illustrate for her using this print.

Lastly, we have some personal fun. I knitted my first hat within these last few weeks! Could not be more delighted! Also, my girls and I cooked supper tonight. I was in charge of making dessert. In honor of Valentine's Day coming up, I made chocolate covered strawberries in white and semi-dark, drizzled. T'was yummy. Not eating again for quite some time . . . or until I'm hungry from breakfast tomorrow at least. XD

Goodnight all! Peace, love, and fill in the blank with what makes you happy. :D


Red Barn Art Festival Poster
Native American Heritage Posters 

Stress Magazine article for Time

MU Vet brochure
Soon to be printed Jazz Combo Poster
Yummy chocolate strawberries 
Intaglio, engraved with soft ground
Intaglio, pencil drawing
Back of my hat
Me IN my hat XD 
Intaglio, shined and ready for printing