Sunday, December 11, 2011

Final Exam

It all comes down to this. An entire semester of Illustration, here in an instant and gone in a flash. So much work has been produced over the course of the semester, some much better than others. But this is the final examination: a time to celebrate the closing of a class by featuring only the best, and if not, the good.

Out of the eight assignments the second half of the semester produced, it all narrows down to four. Four pieces will decide my fate. My grade is resting solely in my own hands. And do you know? I'm feeling sure of my choices. The grade itself, one will only know with time, but the pieces . . . I've gone over them again and again, selecting the four I find to be most worthy.

I want to begin with good ole Honest iPod Abe. He was my second major gouache piece, and arguably one of the biggest paintings in my pile of work. He is one of the most beloved among my friends and family members and the same could be said for me as well. Abe, I love you, despite the fact that you literally murdered my tube of purple gouache, and came uncomfortably close to killing my white. You sit through the monotony of D.C. tourism with a content smirk on your stone face, listening to Southern rock. You are Final Exam Piece #1. Congratulations.

Secondly, I chose my Life and Death illustrations. Why, one might ask. The truth is, I am rather satisfied with how they turned out. But the thorough truth of the matter is, this was the piece I conceived and thought about the most this semester. This piece went through three evolutions: The Elegance of the Hedgehog plot, the life and death of hats, and the death and life of allegory. I referenced and revisited literature I have loved for years, works that inspired me deeply. In the end, it was the hats that reigned victorious due to their less obscure content. Thank you Life and Death. You are Final Exam Piece #2.

Next, I wanted to include my Native American Heritage poster. It looks simple enough. The typography still might not be the most groundbreaking. But again, I feel accomplished with this piece. I feel the illustration is done well, from the original sharpie coloration to the digital touch-ups. This subject was also near to my heart. Memories of Mr. Malia and Crow Canyon filled my mind as I worked on this piece. I wanted to make something that would honor him, that educational voyage. I researched Pueblo pottery just to stay true to my experience. I did not grumble when others did. I wanted to do this piece and I regret nothing. Take your place with pride, Final Exam Piece #3.

And now, finally and fourthly, we have something new. Something no one has seen before. Book cover, this is your moment. Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird has yet another cover to add to the myriad it already possesses. A story so profound deserves to be honored, and I did not want to disappoint. I am satisfied with my result. Despite all the action, beauty, and suspense of the story, I was lucky enough to show something much smaller, but no less significant. Atticus and Scout, embraced together; the daughter listening to her father's watch, knowing he is near. This is my last gouache piece for the semester, as well as the last in general. Book cover, love, you are the last and Final Exam Piece #4.

There we have it. The final portfolio. So much has happened in this seemingly lengthy or short period of time. I've been introduced to new mediums, new challenges. I've bought more foam core than I would like to admit, with the intention of never stopping. I have laughed and I have cried. I have worked and I have been a lazy bum. I have woken up at six every other week morning, done all I can, and now, it is coming to a close. One more thank you must be said.

Thank you Rusty, for being there to guide, scold, and critique. Thank you Illustration class, for broadening my horizons, challenging me, and pushing as far as I could go until something tragic or beautiful happened to me and my life.

#1  iAbe

#2  Life

#2  Death

#3  Native American Heritage poster

#4  To Kill A Mockingbird book cover 

Personal Piece #16

Okay, y'all. Ya know the drill! :D

Aww, illustration for Ashlee's Dracula novel. <3 

A little catching up to do

Right then! Hello friends!

Someone naughty has not been keeping up on their blogging very well. Not that she does not want to share, or wants nothing to do with her adoring audience (giggle) but she had been so involved in life at the moment that she . . . this is solid honesty, here, not procrastination . . . forgot about blogging. I know, I know. How could she? The selfish wretch!

Well, never fear. She's back! Yay or nay, whichever you would like to proclaim and sing. :)

Quite a bit has happened in my Internet absence. I have several pieces to add. I am running out of time, after all. The final is tomorrow, and all my previous work, if not selected for said final, must still be displayed here for all who wish to see. So . . . let's get down to business, shall we?

The first thing I'd like to add is my final version of my Native American Heritage Month poster. I realized that I never added the finished product, so I am going to do so now, at this glorious opportunity. I fixed a few things here and there . . . damn you, typography. :)

The next piece is the classical album cover for The Magic Flute of Papageno an Papagena. This did not turn out as I had anticipated. Time ran out, and is continuing to do so, so this piece is not up to my expectations. I mean, it's cute. I don't hate it or anything. But I felt I could have done so much more had the circumstances worked out better. College is draining me slowly. Cue Ludo song "Love Me Dead." SO my life right now. But yes, the two lovebirds have finally been completed. Maybe altered to something more if I ever receive the chance.

Next piece is interesting . . . to say the least. Illustration of a magazine world record. The nerd in me wanted to do largest collection of Pokémon merchandise. I really want to learn to digital paint. This obviously isn't supposed to look ground-breaking. Pokémon pretty much look like this, in terms of color and line art. It looks elementary, and well, it is . . . with reason, as I say. The hand posed as an issue. I tried to draw it in the same style multiple times. Good grief. Looked AWEFUL. I would like to spend time with Photoshop and a tablet and just practice for hours on end. My border collie at the beginning of the semester shows that I CAN paint digitally. I just need time and practice to be good at it, and I really do believe I COULD be good at it! It's fun! And "easy" and "quick." I didn't want to use it for a finished piece just because I know I don't have the hang of it yet, but I selected it because once again, that's how Pokémon are drawn, for the most part. I wanted to stay true. There must be a better way to blend and illustrate skin. That is what gave me grief with the hand. It just looked . . . bad. The photo was a cheat, yes, but I was desperate. I know I can do better work that this also. These last few pieces do little to represent my work as an artist. I know that. But I am trying. More than anything, that is what I want everyone to know. It might not seem like it, but this semester has been the most taxing time of my life thus far. That I can say without exaggeration. I don't wish to use this blog to complain or praise my own life, but my own life does affect my work. I just want you all to know that this is what I want, and I do want to do my best. This last little leg of the semester is just a bump in the road in a long journey forward.

Wow. Okay, um, that got depressing and profound really quickly. :) Let's snap out of that sadness, shall we, and focus on a new one. I have to turn my tablet back in tomorrow! Whaaaaah! I'm really gonna miss it. It makes cutting things out in Photoshop SO much easier! lol I even made a cover for my homework folder in religion (extra credit) just by going nuts in Photoshop. Heheh, I should post that too, just for the fun of it! Nothing outstanding, I assure you, but I had a blast!

Oh, also, I have a sneak peek of the next project, the book cover Illustration! To Kill A Mockingbird, to be precise! I love the fact that Rusty chose this idea. I really wasn't expecting it, and was delightfully surprised. This is my favorite scene in the whole book, and probably one of the most insignificant. But it is also one of the most beautiful. Scout hugs her father, Atticus, and simply listens to the soft ticking of his watch in his vest. The painting on this was not cooperating earlier, but dang it, I am enjoying this piece's concept, and it shall not ruin me! I shall persevere!

Finals, and then Christmas break. A weekend with my best friends, a concert I enjoyed, relaxation for just a little while before the last week of the semester. Yeah. I'd say I'm doing well. Happy, well, everything, everyone!


Final Native American Heritage Month Poster. Oh yeah! 

Les CD covers, in record, CD, and iTunes formats and sizes 

Comp for Pokémon record

THE Pokémon record :D 

Sneak preview of Scout and Atticus

Religion folder cover! Can anyone name every religion? You get brownie points if you can!